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Award Winning REALTORS<sup>®</sup>

The Arizona REALTORS® proudly acknowledges individuals who have shown great character & achievements that exemplify what it means to be an Arizona REALTOR®



The Distinguished Service Award honors the Arizona REALTOR® who has provided meritorious service in one or more of the association’s strategic focus areas: Professional & Business Development, Government Affairs, Risk Management and Communications & Technology. This honor is bestowed on an individual who has given tireless and meaningful service to the association and whose activities have a positive impact on the members of the association. Members do not apply for this award. Instead, members are recommended to the president of the state association for consideration, and honorees are selected annually by Arizona REALTORS® leadership.

In 2008, the award was renamed the Arthur G. Crozier Distinguished Service Award in recognition of Mr. Crozier’s meritorious service to the association’s strategic focus areas. In honor of his commitment to service, the name of the award was changed to honor Mr. Crozier posthumously.

Award Recipients

2023 – Gary Nelson

2022 – Jerome King

2021 – Paula Monthofer

2020 – Lori Doerfler

2019 – Paula Serven, GRI

2018 – Shelley Ostrowski

2017 – Evan Fuchs, ABR, CRS, GRI, RENE, RSPS, SRS, e-PRO

2016 – Jan Leighton, CRS, GRI

2015 – Sue Flucke, CDPE, CRB, rCRMS, GRI

2014 – Holly Mabery, ABR, rCRMS, GRI

2013 – Martha Appel

2012 – Duane Fouts

2011 – Holly Eslinger, ABR, CRB, CRS, GRI

2010 – John Foltz, CRB

2009 – Donald Martin, GRI

2008 – James “JT” Tsighis, ABR, CRB, GRI

2007 – James “Jim” Brodie

2006 – Flo Day, ABR, CRS, GRI

2005 – Laura Mance, CRB

2004 – Arthur G. Crozier, CRS, GRI

2003 – Martin “Marty” Harris, ABR, GRI

2002 – Kimberly “Kim” Horn, CRS, GRI

2001 – Thomas “Tom” Fannin, CRB, GRI

2000 – James “Jim” Sexton, CRB, GRI

1999 – Mary Lee Greason, CCIM

1998 – Joseph “Joe” Hull

1997 – Joan Dodd, ALC, CRS

1996 – Patricia “Pat” Loven


The Tyler Strout Vision Award recognizes an Arizona REALTOR® who best exemplifies the Arizona REALTORS® vision: REALTOR® the best prepared real estate practitioner with the highest standards. Participation in association activities is not a significant criterion for this honor. This recognition emphasizes quality service to the ultimate association customer: the buying and selling public. Members do not apply for this award. To be considered, members are recommended to the president of the state association for consideration, and honorees are selected annually by Arizona REALTORS® leadership.

In 2005, the award was given to Ty Strout, RCE, CAE, CEO of the Arizona REALTORS® in recognition of his vision, leadership and integrity in leading the Arizona state association. In honor of his commitment to the association’s vision, the name of the award was changed to the Tyler Strout Vision Award.

Award Recipients

2023 – Clark Jones

2022 – Evan Fuchs

2021 – Susan Nicolson

2020 – Beth and James Adams

2019 – Lisa Paffrath, rCRMS, SRES

2018 – Mandy Neat, ABR, GRI

2017 – K. Michelle Lind, Esq., CEO

2016 – James “Jim” Sexton, GRI

2015 – Sindy Ready, ABR, CDPE, CRS, e-Pro, GRI, PMN, SRES

2014 – Gary Nelson, rCRMS, CRS, GRI

2013 – Ed Pattermann

2012 – Lisa Suarez, CRS

2011 – Alice DeShane

2010 – Vicki Cox Golder, CRB

2009 – Frank Dickens

2008 – Craig Sanford, CRS, GRI

2007 – Holly Mabery, ABR

2006 – Marge Lindsay, CRB, CRS, GRI

2005 – Ty Strout, RCE, CAE

2004 – Jackie Collins

2003 – Jill Rich, ABR, CRS, GRI

2002 – Sarah Frese, ABR, CIPS, CRS, GRI

2001 – Jill Morgan, GRI

2000 – Tim Hatlestad, CCIM

1999 – Wanda Rigdon, ABR, CRS, GRI

1998 – Kathleen Yamauchi, CRS, GRI, RM

1997 – Gary Fenton, CRS

1996 – Lin Ferrara, GRI


The Mary Lee Greason Excellence in Professional Standards Award recognizes a past or current Arizona REALTORS® Professional Standards Committee member who exhibits a passion for professional standards through exceptional service, commitment, preparation, and leadership. Specific factors that are considered include, but are not limited to, length of service, roles in leadership positions, diversity of roles within the Professional Standards Committee, and contributions made. Arizona REALTORS® do not apply for this Award. Instead, nominations must be submitted by a REALTOR® association or by an individual Arizona REALTOR®. Recipients of the Award are jointly selected by the current Chairs of both the Professional Standards Committee and the Risk Management Committee. The Award is not required to be presented on an annual basis. Rather, the Award is presented only when a deserving individual is nominated and selected.

The Award was established in 2019 and named in honor of Mary Lee Greason, an Arizona REALTOR® who in addition to being an outstanding instructor, served for many years on both the Tucson Professional Standards Committee and the Arizona REALTORS® Professional Standards Committee, making invaluable contributions to both.

2020- Marge Lindsay

2021 – Larry Hibler

2022 – Holly Eslinger

2023 – Duane Fouts


This award was established in 2019 and named in honor of Frank Dickens, an Arizona REALTOR® who in addition to being an outstanding instructor, served for many years as both the Northern Arizona Association of REALTORS® President and the Arizona REALTORS® President, making invaluable contributions to both. Frank was an instructor who had a passion for quality education that focused on connecting the content to the practitioner’s business practices through an engaging delivery method.

This award recognizes an instructor who teaches within the Arizona REALTOR® community and who exhibits passion for teaching and sharing knowledge through exceptional teaching skills. Nominations are submitted by local associations. Nominees are judged based on their practical knowledge, experience and delivery skills, adaption of the learner-focus concept, and modern teaching techniques.

2019 – Holly Mabery

2020 – Mandy Neat

2022 –

2023 – Robbie English